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UCI’s Smart Labs Workshop (post-I2SL conference)

It’s been over three years since we have held a Smart Labs Workshop in person. This year, the International Institute for Sustainable Laboratories (I2SL) is hosting their annual conference in Anaheim, CA, October 22-25. UCI is partnering with I2SL to offer a Post-Conference Workshop on the UC Irvine campus.

On behalf of the University of California, Irvine and I2SL, I would like to invite you to the I2SL Post-Conference Smart Labs Workshop Thursday, October 26, 2023.  If you attended a UCI Smart Labs workshop in prior years, you will receive the most recent and updated information from over a decade of experience.  New information will be shared, including a deeper dive into the ways that data analytics are being used to optimize and maintain performance of Smart Labs and new developments in improved laboratory ventilation. 

If you are interested in attending the I2SL conference in Anaheim (and/or reviewing the agenda), you can do so at that there is a discounted university, non-profit, federal government rate. If you would like to register just for the workshop (and not attend the full conference), you can do that by checking the box that says “Attendee,” and proceed to fill out steps 1, 2, 4 & 5 (skip step 3).

Workshop Overview

The Smart Labs Program has exceeded all expectations in terms of improved energy efficiency, laboratory safety, financial payback, and tangible co-benefits that total nearly as much value as direct energy savings.  This workshop is intended for laboratory building owners and their team, including facility operations staff, energy managers, safety managers, laboratory safety specialists, management staff, laboratory users/researchers, and engineers.

Smart Labs architecture is a dynamic, demand-responsive, precision control system — a true paradigm shift from past practices of fixed ventilation and exhaust parameters, before real-time environmental sensing and digital system performance monitoring were developed.  This new architecture can be used across entire campuses, not just in laboratories.

For more information on UCI’s Smart Labs Program, please go to: and (8:39 minutes).


Wendell Brase

[email protected]

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