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Survey raw responses: special tactics/protocols

Unedited responses from APPA’s survey on Grounds/Landscaping, conducted April 2020.

Are there any special tactics/protocols that have been implemented by the grounds/landscaping unit to cope with the current situation?

Wearing of face coverings, regular hand sanitizing and/or wearing safety gloves,  social distancing, one person per vehicle, hydration, spreading staff over different weekly work shifts to reduce overall Grounds staff presence on any work shift day and scheduling thru a 7 day work week.
• Precautions for groundskeepers: Any employee who is or may be sick is required to stay home. This includes anyone who has a sick person in their home.
• We have ensured that we have an abundance of PPE (personal protective equipment) and antibacterial supplies and are urging their constant use.
• Every surface in our offices and workstations is being disinfected continuously.
• All of our trucks and equipment have been equipped with disinfectant supplies and are being cleaned continuously.
• All employees are mandated to travel with windows down to increase ventilation.
• All overseas and non-essential travel for any of our employees and leadership has stopped.
• We are limiting crew meetings to be outside where better ventilation and social distancing can be achieved. We are also following the Best Practices laid out by the PLNA (Pennsylvania Landscape and Nursery Association) • Implement daily all-hands communications to inform, educate and reinforce SOPs, BMPs and possible next steps
• Relax attendance policies to allow any employee who is uncomfortable working to stay home and use PTO. This policy is dependent upon whether the grounds person is contracted or a Jefferson employee. 
• Train crew personnel to be able to respond to questions from the public in a professional manner
• Enforce cleaning and sanitation protocols for all common spaces including trucks and equipment
• Stagger crew start times and coverage days to minimize congregation at office/shop locations
• Limit crews to 1 person per truck. 
• Assign one truck to one crew and when necessary sanitize between rotations • Minimize use of shared equipment and tools
• Wear gloves as much as possible removing only to eat, drink, or touch your face • If you must work in close proximity to another for a short period of time (i.e. lifting a tree ball into a hole) wear a face mask
• Be prepared to shutdown at any moment.
• Post and follow the gov’t guidelines.
• Designate rest room facilities and schedule cleanings multiple times per shift.
Flexibility as it relates to daycare and public transportation services.
Working in teams of 2 that do not rotate. Also working reduced work schedules.
Moved to as-needed from scheduled routine maintenance.
Staff are now wearing cloth face masks to further limit possible spread of the virus, and have been practicing social distancing.
We follow the guidelines of what is deemed essential services.  Currently fire mitigation work is a priority. Call backs are being done for irrigation, tree and litter issues.
Solid and safe work communications and guidelines; and physical distancing requirements; periodic updates on campus website and via email
Each employee has his/her own vehicle/cart for transportation to and from job site.  Vehicles have been reallocated from other areas who are not using them.
One person per vehicle for traveling minimizing the number of staff per day- 5 people working 5 days instead of 25 people in one day.
Social distancing procedures implemented by splitting our crew nearly 50/50.  Working on campus every other week and on call for emergencies only on our off weeks.  Developing training opportunities that can be completed remotely during off weeks.  On campus staff work individually as much as we are able to.  Equipment is generally specifically assigned to minimize the chance of cross contamination.  Disinfection training/materials provided to staff with an increased awareness that it is everyone’s responsibility to protect themselves and others. Service level areas of campus are identified so that the most important areas receive the attention desired to the extent that we are able to provide. Lower priority areas wait longer for attention.
Staff have been informed to work separately when on campus.  Maintain a 6 foot distance at breaks and lunch.
We have developed a Pandemic SOP based on CDC Recommendations.  Supervisors monitor and discus twice a day with staff about SOP protocols. Health screening (How do you feel questions) performed at beginning and end of shift.  We create clean zones – Wipe down vehicle touch points at beginning and end of shift.  Wipe down tools at beginning and end of shift. Social Distancing – 6′ apart.  Masks for when indoors. One staff member per vehicle or mode of transportation. Staff are to use their own equipment and limit the sharing of equipment. Running two rotations of skeleton crews.  They work every other week.
Yes, we all wear PPE.  They all have separate vehicles.  And they all work separately and eat separately.
Do not ride in the same vehicle.  Required to wear face masks and work within 6 feet of each other.
Regular driving tours/inspection by Supervisor to allow assignment of emergency work.  Any staff reporting for work is required to text their clocking in/out time to their Supervisor in lieu of using shared computers.  New detailed work rules for all Facilities staff outline work protocols for safety.
Social distancing. Only 1 per vehicle. Adjusted shifts to minimize staff in shop at breaks. Alternative break locations.
With a 152 acre campus, social distancing is practiced and easy to adhere to.
Social distancing. Masks if necessary.
Basically following CDC Guidelines
Meetings in smaller groups, training on how/when to use PPE, physical distancing in vehicles (2 ppl in 4-person cart, 1 person in 2-person carts), consistent sanitation of tools and machines, empowering frontline managers to make decisions for the safety of their teams, open and regular communication, find alternatives for high-contact points (ice machines, water jugs, etc.), encouraging suggestions on how we can operate safer and more effectively.
Offices separated, shifts staggered, cleaning products and tools supplied to all vehicles.
We are social distancing, staggering starts so we cross paths less frequently.   We are allowing students to work, with limited access to the main shop.
One driver, one piece of equipment.  If equipment is used by one or more person, it needs to be sanitized.  Equipment is sanitized before each use.  Common areas are disinfected daily.  Masks are worn while out working on the landscape.
Daily temperature checks and all areas touched are to be disinfected before and after use. Anytime more than one person is in the same vehicle a mask must be worn.
We have staggered our hours.
Yes, in part they have been given a sanitation protocol, in addition to the standard social distancing. In addition the district has offered mental health assistance for those requesting it.
Temps taken prior to starting shifts.  Wearing masks. Practicing social distancing.  If you are ill or appear ill you may be asked to go home. Stagger start shifts to eliminate social contact. Take breaks and lunch separately.
They are to maintain social distancing, wear protective gear, such as gloves and face masks.
Altered lunch room to limit exposure. Staggered start time to minimize physical proximity.
Established two shifts to comply with social distancing.
Crew has to drive in equipment and vehicles alone.  They are required to wear masks.  They cannot congregate for lunch or breaks in a group larger than 5 people.
Started with self-assessment, then we have everyone going through a screening process by contract vendor.
Flexibility in scheduling.
Distancing, masks.
One person per vehicle.  Social distancing.  Washing hands.  Breakroom distancing.  No punching out on time clock. Wipe down high touch points.  Clean and disinfect break room after lunch every day
All facilities staff are required to wear masks and gloves. Disinfectant spray is provided to each area and all high touch point areas are to be disinfected at the beginning and end of each day. Disinfecting throughout the day as needed. Working in teams is currently prohibited. Additionally, staff are not to share carts and/or equipment. Any task requiring 2 or more staff members are to be scheduled at a later date.
Rotation work schedule and distancing from colleagues and any community members
Staggered report times to limit contact and exposure to other staff plus limiting one staff person to a UTV.  This is accomplished by having a smaller crew onsite.  Each staff member is responsible for disinfecting their equipment and UTV at the end of the work day.
Distancing.  Meeting in the morning is short and done in a large, open area where we can spread out.  Otherwise, the crew goes to separate parts of campus each day so there’s no chance of close interaction.
So far the campus looks to be in good shape.  I do have someone coming it to keep up with the integrated pest control on the soccer fields and one person to maintain the greenhouse.  We are working on protocols for the return to work.
Cleaning and sanitizing of frequently touched surfaces. No tandem seating in vehicles complete wipe down of tools, equipment and vehicle controls.  Facility cleaning and sanitation standards have been raised and are high priority.
No group rides to work sites. No working within 6′ of another.
Nothing other than up to 50% staff working from home…can be called in at any time during work hours.
Yes providing proper COVID-19 PPE and lunches daily.
Working separated by two meters and not travelling in the same vehicle when possible.
We have split the shifts in order to maintain social distancing.  We have also provided separate vehicles for all staff.
Wearing masks, assigned to individual trucks/equipment, staggered break times, sanitizing vehicles and equipment.
Mowing is done without edging or line trimming. Areas in turf requiring line trimming are starting to be treated with Roundup to reduce the need for this practice. Edging will be done as needed when grass is creeping on to walkways and over curbs. I may try applying RoundUp to the ground exposed by newly edged turf to reduce edging at the cost of possible ‘haloing’.
Everyone must work independently. One person per vehicle, face coverings, temperature monitoring and one person in the shop at a time.  All morning briefings are conducted outside with safe distancing.
Scheduling work that doesn’t require staff to have to work within 6′ feet of each other. Scheduling multiple lunch times to keep numbers low in the breakroom. No meetings or gathering in shop other than scheduled lunches. Nor more than one person in a vehicle unless wearing mask and or face shield.
We have implemented a drive through wellness check at the start of the shift, as well as a self-assessment form for call back situations. Furnishing masks, gloves and sanitizer.
A discussion about health is incorporated into morning meetings. Staff are divided up so there is 1 person per truck with their own tools. Wipes and disinfectant spray are available and vehicles and equipment are wiped down throughout the day. Breakroom space is sufficient to maintain social distancing and areas are wiped down at the end of each day.
Fewer work days, spread out start times, single work force per zone, cloth masks provided.
Follow CDC guidelines.
All start times, breaks and lunches are staggered so no more than 10 people are in any room or time clock area at a time.  Social Distance of 6 feet was shown and is expected as much as possible.  Landscape uses dust masks on a regular basis and therefore face covering has not been much of an issue for them to continue to wear if not on equipment.
Following the required safety measure with PPE.
In supporting social distancing staff has been split into two shifts, each shift works bi- weekly shifts.
Sign in on health report form indicating symptom free; reduced and rotating schedule; staff not working or only working 1 day/week complete supplemental leave for HR.
Only 1 person on all golf carts. Exterior work only 4 hour shifts Frequent use of hand sanitizer Contact surfaces on the carts are wiped down at the end of a work shift
Following CDC and State Health Dept. guidelines.  Work with Social Distancing, wash hands frequently, disposable gloves, disinfect touch points daily.  Try to single use utility vehicles and equipment and tools.  Limit off campus travel and encourage delivery of supplies to minimize exposure.
Driving in different vehicles. When taken lunch staying away 6 feet away.  We are spraying disinfectant on mowers at the end of week for other crews.
We only allow 1 operator per vehicle, and have issued face masks to be worn anytime the crew is within 10′ of another person. (in shop or on campus)
Restricting two people in a vehicle as much as possible.
We have provided them all the PPE they need as well as take home packs they can use for travel to and from work if they stop for gas, etc.  The pack includes an extra mask, gloves and Sani wipes.
We have suspended all grounds functions now that snow removal is not required.
Wearing of masks and gloves. No sharing of service vehicles or tools.
No more than 1 person per vehicle.
Social distancing, staggered break/lunch periods, reminders and provision for P.P.E..
Social distancing, masks if necessary.
They are traveling and working separately.
All of the federal and state guidelines are enforced and followed regarding social distance, etc. Time reporting has changed. Budget spending has been reduced for credit card holders. Attention has been shifted to lawn establishment which we cannot normally do during the correct part of the season with the students there. Exploring schedule and routine changes (4 10hour days on an M-Sat. week) to minimize number of people on duty for a given day.
Social distancing, dedicated vehicles for one person, reduced shift schedule, calling Supervisor every couple of hours to check in, personal equipment, PPE.
Social distancing.
Encouragement by admin to be healthy stay healthy. Greater focus on PPE and cleanliness.
We take multiple trips to get employees to their work areas to try and keep social distancing.  Expressing that it is ok to slow down to make sure that we are remaining safe both with distances and ensuring that we work in a safe manner
Alternating start/break times to reduce number of staff in an area at once. Masks worn when in public spaces or around other people.
Alternate breaks and lunches.
Limiting number of staff in break room to maintain 6′ social distancing.  Morning meetings to discuss safety protocols.  Have appropriate PPE available to all at all times.
Wearing fabric Masks if social distancing during meetings and break times is not possible. Staggering shift times to reduce possible exposure.
Staggered start times to avoid congregating; several employees report to different locations at the start of shift; not riding in vehicles together.
Ensure they have masks or gators, only enter the main grounds or Facilities Management buildings. All campus buildings have been closed done to one point of entry with screening. Communicate regularly.
Social distancing, proper hand washing techniques.
Practice social distancing, wear PPE.
No clocking in to avoid the crowd around the clock.  Briefings are held in the main building training room to maintain social distancing.  Lunches and break are staggered again to enforce social distancing.
There is only one grounds person on campus at any given time.
Extensive social distancing, alternating start and end times in scheduling, instituted extensive stay at home training, instituted SOP for equipment and building sanitation, assigned specific vehicles to each with no crossover of use by others, required all employees to view email at beginning of every day for updates, assigned tasks that can be completed without assistance from others, encouraged staff communication via phone with other staffers.
One person per vehicle.  Disinfectant wipes and hand sanitizers in each vehicle.  Each vehicle and equipment are wiped down at the beginning and end of each shift.  No coming into the shop to sign in/sign out (we’re doing attendance visually, not by signature).
Reduced staffing. Single occupancy in vehicles. Maintain 6’ social distances.
We split our dept. into 3 shifts and are working on a 3 week rotating shift.
All are wearing gloves and masks.
Social distancing & face masks.
They are to work in separate areas and maintain a minimum 6 foot distance from others at all times. They are to report in symptoms of being ill and stay home if they are sick and will need a doctor’s slip to return to work.
Implemented small crews with limited mowing days.  The crew have staggered start, break and lunch times to prevent contact with others.
Social distancing.
We only have one person per day come in for trash removal and then they go home. Starting next week, we will have our entire grounds staff report to work, each member will be assigned a separate zone for mowing, trimming, and weed removal.
We have split our grounds team in half, creating 2 teams. These teams work different days, so they only work either 2 or 3 days each week. This is to promote social distancing and also if one team has to be quarantined if gives us a path to continuity of service.
Only one person per utility cart or truck, and distancing.
Staggered shifts.
We have developed social distancing plans for identified essential services.
One person to a truck, daily cleaning of equipment, staggered lunches and breaks, limited use of break room
Face Masks, gloves, distancing, and one person per vehicle with that same person assigned to that Same Vehicle.
Social distancing. One person per truck meeting at work site.
We have our staff coming in every other week and on the weeks they are at home they are assigned training. This allows them to continue being paid and social distance themselves from others. We have removed projects from current workloads.
One person per vehicle.  Social distancing.
Social distancing, breaks in the field, one person to a vehicle.
Half the crew works Mon-Tues, and half Wed-Thurs, all off Fridays. Myself as Manager or Hort/Grounds I work Mon-Thurs, half days, sometimes longer, and off Friday, but I may swing by to inspect and take notes of problems for when we come back in.
No congregating, keep physical distancing, temp checks, wear PPE at all times.
We disinfect all equipment each day.
Extra attention to disinfection of common touch surfaces.  Physical separation- no close crew work, staggered start times, no congregating for breaks.
The one area of special consideration is the frequency of safety discussions that are included in the plan of the day meetings. Reinforcing the expectations and protocols that are now the new norm, and resolving concerns as needed.
We contract out our mowing and tree work so that is continuing as usual.  All other services are continuing by in house staff but at a greatly reduced schedule.
6 foot distance, hand washing, hand sanitizer, designated vehicles, hospital style masks, nitrile gloves, Microsoft Teams meetings, restrictions on vendors who are allowed on campus (some are not allowed, essential ones must don PPE)
We find ourselves between plow and lawn mowing season so we are fortunate that this is our shop prep time.  We rotate a few different staff in daily who volunteer.
One person to a work truck, and providing hand sanitizer.
Zone maintenance to maximize social distancing, provide safety masks, coveralls, gloves, wipes, spray virucide, to each member, purchase of routine tools for each person not shared, protocols for pre-cleaning large shared equipment, daily checking & bi-weekly meetings/updates with senior facilities managers, more flexibility on work hours to accommodate distancing and deal with personal issues related to COVID, provide meals for staff in School.
Social distancing.  Staggered shifts.  Altering areas where they may congregate to keep distance.
We have moved people’s muster/reporting places to reduce crowds. We have are alternating lunch and break times also.
Cleaning shop and vehicles with wipes, using hand sanitizer, separate vehicles, face masks.
Single person in vehicles, anti-viral spray at 6 locations top use liberally on contact surfaces, eating outdoors.
We have staggered start times, disinfect the equipment daily, no sharing of equipment.
All supervisors have increased the amount of time of working alongside their staff and less administration work.
We are rotating days off and using social distancing while at work.
Must maintain social distancing.  Must wear face masks and have limits on vehicle use (one person per vehicle).
One employee per cart or truck. Mandatory face coverings. Must take temperature before shift. Supplying hand sanitizer & wipes. Staggering/rotating shifts.
We are currently practicing social distancing and adopting a “winter schedule” for frequency, with an early return to their place of residence.
Social distancing. Some shift time adjustments.
Staggering Schedules.
They are assigned to specific sites.  There is no “teamwork”.
Reduced staffing to minimize duties.
6′ distancing only 1 person per vehicle. Breaks and lunch on site. PPE provided but not required. Daily wipe down of equipment, vehicles and work spaces.
We are working 2 staggered shifts to separate horticulture and operations staff so they don’t all congregate in our break rooms at the same time.
Only one person per vehicle or equipment. Vehicles and equipment are disinfected at the end of the daily shift.
Only 1 person per vehicle, hand sanitizers, PPE where needed.
Social distancing for small crew in greenhouse.
Staggering work hours, breaks, lunch to promote distancing.
We just continue to encourage that safety is paramount. If someone feels uncomfortable in a work situation, to let us know and we will find an alternative. But for the most part, we have a handful of consistent folks who show up to mow and maintain the basic services. Everyone has two days a week that they are “on call “and should be prepared to come in if needed. Otherwise, it’s the same four or five volunteers.
We continue to maintain our social distancing and have had to change the way we move crews around on and off campus.  Additionally, we split the crews up and have them working in different zones so we are all not together in the same place.
Must wear masks and use gloves.
Social distancing.
Trying to supply plenty of PPE but our resources are running low.
One person per vehicle, meeting in small groups for daily line out, minimize large groupings.
Not allowing two people in the same truck.
Social distancing and half crews.
Stay at home unless campus visit necessary.
Rearrange break rooms to allow for 6′ social distancing.  Staggered break and lunch times to reduce population in break rooms. Provide access to N95 masks and gloves. Encourage single occupant vehicles. Daily sanitizing of spaces using coronavirus killing bleach mixture. Temperature check daily (by employee at home prior to going to work).
Health and safety practices.
Yes, daily check in, mandatory distancing, staggered breaks and start times, and daily cleaning.
Yes, social distancing. No breaks or lunch together. Sanitizing equipment after each use.
Only two staff members show up to work two days out of the week, trying to have minimal services every day of the week.
One person in a vehicle. Vehicle, equipment, and tool disinfection at each use.  Physical distancing protocols.
Staggered start times, break times and lunch times. We have also allocated more space to them for lunch & breaks.
6 ft distance between co-workers.  Gloves at all times.
Half-staff working alternate days.
Staggering the crews. Breaking them up by day into smaller groups. Keeping them in separate quadrants of campus. Masks and social distancing.
Break rooms have been altered to allow social distance.
Stagger start times so everyone is not reporting to the shop at the same time.    Working only 4 hours to allow flexibility for family and personal needs.  Supervisor usually works longer however.  Do not have a formal break time.  Ask that employees do not come back to the shop for break, only if they need something.  Have employees work in the same team – teams of two.    Offer the option of driving separate gators or other vehicles.
Single riders in utility vehicles. Distancing 6 feet at all times Working in 2 man groups or solo jobs, if applicable.
Heavier reliance on broadleaf herbicide to reduce mowing in weedy turf areas.
Light rotation of staff – 2 days per week for 2 hours.  2 employees only.  In the event of snow removal, we stagger start times to avoid multiple employees being in the shop or break room at the same time.
Split shift, extensive social distancing requirements, one person per vehicle.
Reduced staff and no longer planting beds for the spring.
Our staff was split into 2 teams alternating days on campus with at-home training.
Maintaining social distancing of at least 6′; importance of constant washing of hands; hand sanitizer given to all staff; awaiting for sanitizing wipes to arrive to be given to all staff; daily check in with staff at start of shift for health wellbeing and any feedback & check with staff throughout their day for feedback on work or wellbeing: having our mowing equipment picked up & repaired by a vendor due no mechanics on duty due to their vulnerability status.
Social distancing social distancing social distancing… we also require homemade masks.
Social distancing, staggered start times, no congregating in break rooms or time clocks
We are only working one day per week and providing basic mowing, blowing, trimming and mulching services. We are having some spring flowers and plantings done by an outside contractor, but only in the main entrance. We will increase all services in May.
6′ social distancing Staggered clock in/out Staggered breaks/lunches.  Masks/Gloves were routinely available.
Social distancing, hand cleaner and if they want to wear a face cover.
We have limited cart/truck occupancy to one person per vehicle. All employees are practicing physical distancing while on the job site or meeting.
Social distancing, minimum staff levels, staggered start times.
Disinfecting equipment after each use. Assigning vehicles to each employee.  Hand sanitizer is available in our offices and shops.  Strongly encouraging handwashing when entering shops and office.  Fitting hard hats with Lexan face shields for staff use, if desired staggering start times and break times to reduce exposure.
One worker per vehicle, assigned equipment, cleaning of workspaces daily.
Split our crew working 4 days on 4 days off, allowing staff to work 32 hour work week for 35 hour pay. Staff sanitize their equipment once they are done with it, only one person per vehicle and of course practicing social distancing.
We are sanitizing equipment between users.
Staff report directly to gardens instead of to office. Adjusted schedule so staff arrive after sunrise. Rotating minimal staff on site just to monitor conditions and resolve safety issues. Telework option has been given to staff that can performs some duties from home.  Others have been put on administrative leave.
80% of staff are reporting for work but on a limited schedule of two days a week for now. Only one person per vehicle, everyone must have a face covering in public. Different start schedules.
Social distancing, taking temperatures each morning.
Social distancing at lunch and breaks by staying 6 ft. away from each other.  Eating and meeting outside do keep germs out of the building.  Wiping down steering wheels, handles, keys, switches, counters, etc. at the end of each day with Lysol.    Operationally, we are in the transition zone and most of our campus is Bermuda grass over seeded with perennial ryegrass.  Normally we would wait until May/June to chemically remove the ryegrass, but we started 3 weeks ago.  This will help us keep up with our cutting cycle because the Bermuda grass is not growing rapidly now.  We also plan to hold off any Bermuda grass fertilizer until the ban is lifted.  We also have sprayed, and will continue to spray growth regulators on our tall fescue lawns as well as hedges that require pruning.
Univ of Alabama is obviously keeping everyone separated best we can and we are sanitizing our equipment daily in some cases and definitely once a week.
Social distancing, only one occupant per vehicle, etc.
Staff start/break/lunch times have staggered to promote social distancing.  PPE station has been established at punch in area with gloves, masks and Clorox wipes to encourage self-care and care for fellow employees.
Wearing surgical masks, reduced shifts and employees on said shifts.
Have been using Grounds staff inside buildings on inclement weather days to assist custodial staff in cleaning/disinfecting.
One person per vehicle and splitting up shift to create social distance.
MSU legal was able to get us permission to work our Nursery staff as well as a limited golf course maintenance staff.
Each member of the team has available to them (1) face mask each day and as many as needed of surgical gloves.  They are required to keep six feet distance between each other at all times.
PPE and social distancing. Lead Ground no longer works in the large Facilities Office environment due to an underlying condition.
20% of crew rotating through each weekday.
We are requiring them to wear masks. We have also only have one person working from each shop each day. We have a sanitizing their work zone program after each shift program in place.
We are bringing in a very limited size crew each day and ensuring they are widely spread throughout the campus. We are limiting access to break and office areas to ensure social distancing.
Masks and gloves when around other people.
Landscape Maintenance Department split into 2 groups: Team A works one week, Team B works following week.  On the off week, employees receive online training (Blood-borne pathogens, excavation safety, asbestos awareness, pesticide safety).
We have been rotating crews every week and worked with the strengths of each individual to ensure all crews were staffed appropriately allowing us to maintain continuity of service to the best of our abilities.
Clocking in by text.  Disinfectant kits in or on multiple user equipment (street sweeper, loader, tractor, mowers, etc.) and on the hand equipment shelves (blowers, string trimmers, vacuums etc.) Gloves and face coverings. Zoom for meetings.
Some staff in high risk categories have been given Administrative Leave.
Crew meetings are held with social distancing of 8-feet apart. Grounds crew are being used to broadcast spray disinfectant on certain areas of campus. Crews are being discouraged from discussing the political aspects of the pandemic as many hold the belief that all this was 100 percent avoidable had there been proper planning.
Everyone watches each other’s health.
Current CDC guidelines.
#1.  Alternating weeks – half-staff one week, half the next.  Off week group is expected to be ready to come in if we need them and to work on professional development activities while paid to be home.  #2.  Split vehicles up so that everyone has their own – this helps staff be in control of their own environment throughout the day to stay isolated (we’re able to do this because of #1 (fewer staff week to week)).
Workplace distancing.  Closer health monitoring.
Encouraging social distancing and encouraging people to stay home if sick.
Encouragement to practice social distancing including not working in groups on the same project.
The grounds are approx. 100 acres therefore social distancing practice is easily maintained.
Alternate, compressed schedules.
Maintaining social distance, and providing PPE where that’s not possible…where work requires 2 or more people in close proximity.
Pretty much all of our tech-service staff is staying at home and is currently being paid their normal 40 hour/week salary.
Move to part-time work at full-time pay and benefits. We’ve suspended the planting of annuals and other project work.
We are working away from each other we have staggered our break times and we are currently reporting in a staggered shift rather than all at once.
Wipe down /sanitize equipment, vehicles after use.
Teams split up for redundancy.  Providing decreased level of service, but maintaining minimum requirements.
We are trying to keep everyone out of the shop as much as possible by, leaving keys in vehicles and equipment, remotely clocking in, zoom meetings, front line staff using trucks as desks, face coverings and 6ft spacing.
Units must comply with all required PPE, physical distancing and precautionary measures, i.e. one person per vehicle, disposable nitrile gloves per task.
Restricted to working alone, use of gloves, wiping down equipment.
They assist with recycling and trash collection on campus 2 days/week.  Social distancing.
The contractor is following all applicable protocols established by their company.
Follow CDC guidelines for essential personnel.
No gatherings of more than 15 minutes.  12 foot social distancing rules.  No riding together in the same equipment / vehicles.
All public health guidelines with emphasis on physical distancing at the task site.
Standard social distancing and mask guidelines.
Social Distancing; Driving solo in all vehicles and equipment; Masks as requested and provided; University is closed to students and the public, so there are way fewer people to impede work now which is a plus.
Splitting the crew into 2 teams. Each team works 20 hours per week on split-day schedules. Each member has their own primary equipment that does not have to be shared, and can be disinfected as often as necessary. We do not host formal staff meetings that require us to be in a room together. Any meetings happen in the field when needed.  All notices or information is shared electronically, no paper is handed out. Staff have an inventory of sanitizing tools, and PPE at their disposal.
Every person is issued a PPE pack with 3 masks, a bottle of hand sanitizer, and two pairs of rubber gloves. Must wear masks and gloves. No more than two persons can ride in a vehicle. No group talks.
Physical distancing, alternating work schedules.
-Equipment sanitizing procedures  -No group meetings -Assigning individual vehicles/tools -Splitting entire team into two teams and alternating work weeks with teams.  -Providing a library of online learning/training and associated support to employees while working from home.  -Reduction of supported seasonal flower beds.
Each employee reports at a different time and works a slightly different schedule so they don’t have to interact.  They have wipes to wipe down all equipment after use.
1. Social distancing. 2. Use of masks/face covering. 3. 50% rotation of the athletic grounds personnel, who are university employees.
Review of our current IPM program and entertaining the possibility to utilize an herbicide to keep up with the emergence of weeds.
Staggered start times, break times, and lunch times.  Face mask are provided on top of usual PPE.
Assigned vehicles. One operator per vehicle or work machine. Social distancing on the job site. No staff meetings.  No congregating in shop areas or elsewhere. Break rooms off limits. Staggered and remote timekeeping to avoid congestion in common spaces. Communicating by phone rather than in person as much as possible.
We disinfect all tools, utility vehicles, regularly touched surfaces and work trucks two times a day.  Once before lunch and then again at the end of the day.  One individual per utility vehicle or truck at all times & practicing good social distancing when getting brief on the day or getting status updates throughout the day.
Staggered. Gloves and wash down of equipment after use. Distance.
We are only performing the minimum required maintenance to ensure that the plant material survives and safety and security is met.
Created shifts that start 15 minutes apart to facilitate social distancing.
No sharing carts; no working together; separated employees to different areas. Cleaning all tools after use.
Social Distancing.
Face masks, social distancing.
Working 6 hours only, maintaining social separation from others. Supervisors visually monitor staff health and have been empowered to send staff home if they have symptoms.  Older staff encouraged to stay at home.
Split shifts for full time and student workers.
We changed our safety protocol for FLU season to Covid-19 following recommendations from CDC. Upped cleaning of vehicles, equipment, break areas, office space, making sure to have the proper PPE, social distancing with smaller crews. The housekeeping operations cleans before start of day. L & G crews cleans lunchtime and all vehicle keys at end of day along with trucks.
We are staggering clock-in and lunch times.  We are also requiring all staff that have to be within 6 feet of each other to wear a face mask at all times.  Disinfecting all touch points (timeclocks, tools, steering wheels, etc.) multiple time a day.
Protocol established to limit staff contact, including staff rotation, equipment assignments, PPE, and disinfectants.
Alternating start and stop times so there is no interaction among staff.
None outside of Social Distance.
We do not share utvs/trucks and everyone is required to wear a mask.
No ride sharing. Strictly solo work. Each member has a specific zone they are working in.
Work in designated areas, 6 feet distancing, gloves at all time, no lunch on campus.
Everyone is working, but we have split our staff into A and B alternating weeks. Our level of service has declined a bit but we have half as many potential interactions. Also, if someone does get sick it won’t impact the entire department.
Maintaining distancing standards. Wearing masks, gloves, goggles, wiping down between users of tools, carts stocked with sanitizer…etc.
Enforcement of PPE use requirements, social distancing even when working in pairs/ groups. Staggered work schedule – all staff not present on same days of the week.
Social distancing including daily temp and health checks.
All required to wear masks, gloves, eye protection.
Reduced staffing.
Social distancing and staggered work schedules.
Emptied and covered over half of trash and recycle cans throughout campus to reduce need of staff spot checking cans and food rotting to attract rodents and raccoons.
Social distancing.  No department gatherings or sharing vehicles.  Each person works separately in their own zone.
A and B scheduling – two separate teams working every other day. Social distancing, one person per cart, etc.
Cleaning shop and equipment daily.
Each assigned their own vehicle, staggered break/meal periods to reduce possible exposure.
Each vehicle or motorized equipment is assigned to one person without exception.
We stagger arrival and departure times to reduce the number of employees in our shop at a time. We also spread teams out and into individual vehicles to reduce interaction. We’ve reduced high risk work (like using a chainsaw) to only emergency response to lessen chances of injury.
All vehicle occupants are masked and 1 other is permitted if in back seat opposite driver.
Social distancing guidelines and staggered hours.
Shift adjustments, as staged check-in check out; and staggered breaks to keep social distancing requirements.  Also the staff is transported to work locations in more vehicles that allow the social distancing to occur.
Nobody rides together, each employee uses person specific tools no sharing. Everything is disinfected at the end of a shift.
All breaks/lunch taken out in the field. One person per vehicle. All weekly schedules are approved by upper management.
We have divided our team into two units that work on alternating weeks.
Yes, Masks and Social Distancing.
Closely observe and follow all the safety recommendations to stay healthy. Self-checking.
Sanitization of equipment. Flexible clock in/out/lunch times. One person per vehicle. Zoom meetings only. Wipe down high touch areas daily. Maintain 6’+ distancing. Additional hand sanitizer stations installed. No vendors/sales associates/visitors allowed. Loose litter handled by pick-up grabber only then disinfected end of each day.  1/2 of our usual annual color installs.
Two person teams are assigned two different vehicles to transport staff to work location so that staff are not within 6′ of each other in a vehicle.  Staff are provided a mask to wear when working around others, but not required to wear when working alone.
PPE, social distancing, minimal people on campus.
Individual hand sanitizers, paper masks (no longer available), online Coronavirus training.  Repeating need to wipe down shared space with cleaning appropriate material, hand washing.  One employee per vehicle.
Take temperature when clocking-in (threshold set to take action) masks to be worn, social distancing (6′) protocol all start/break/lunch/exit times are staggered 0:15 min to limit gathering.
Staggered reporting/completion times and shifting to alternating teams. One team M/Tu and another team W/Th, then alternate the teams to cover F. Series of questions each morning as pre-screening prior to work and emphasizing that if they feel ill, have a fever, cough and/or lung congestion they MUST NOT report for work but also quickly use tele-medicine lines and/or calling their medical service to be screened. Do NOT go to the emergency room as first medical contact.
Reduced onsite work schedule, increased PPE for staff, online learning for staff education and licenses, Zoom staff meeting, and social distancing while at work, tool disinfectant cleaning, and designating individual tools for staff.
Working at distances 6 feet or greater.  Also, we are not allowing multiple staff to ride in the same utility vehicles.
Voluntary use of face masks, standard social distancing.
We evaluate each work activity for adhering to social distancing guidelines.  We are not performing activities in which these measures cannot be applied.  We are also outfitting our employees with face coverings.
We are doing a week on, week off schedule to keep our folks healthy.
One employee per maintenance vehicle 6′ social distancing.
Each employee has their own transportation.
Face masks, social distancing, staggered start times & breaks.
Yes, we have created 2 separate shifts, only allowing one staff member to a vehicle or UTV, additionally we are staggering locations and start times, to allow for less congestion at our shop. We are also spending time before every break and lunch, sanitizing surfaces, and requiring staff to wash hands every time they enter the shop.
Social distancing/follow up according to state guidelines.
Social distancing in the work place – currently no clocking in / out; no reporting to break room, go from parking lot to work vehicle; face coverings and gloves provided for use; washing of hands; disinfecting vehicles at the end of every shift; only one person in a vehicle; no sharing of tools / equipment without disinfecting them upon return
Physical distancing. We have stopped working in teams and work individually where we can with frequent check ins from supervisors.
Staggered start times, social distancing at team meetings.  Our grounds crew by their nature work independently and wear PPE on a regular basis anyway.
Proper PPE. Gloves and facemasks. Social distancing.
Maintaining social distancing, encouraging masks / respirators.  Outsourcing herbicide application.  Allowing capable athletics staff to mow and string trim around their facilities.
We don’t break or meet anymore at our base shop.  Everyone directly reports to their work area.  Only 1 person working in an area.  We provided disinfectant, masks, and all other PPE.  Only use your equipment and tools
We are not doing traditional landscape work at this time, in Michigan not a lot of mowing is yet needed.
We are maintaining social distancing by staggering start and end times for each staff. We use a remote app to coordinate work schedules. We eliminated the need to clock in to avoid crowds at the time clock.
No formal health screenings, but anyone who is not feeling well has been very good about reporting and screening. Anyone exhibiting symptoms is having a COVID-19 test or temperature taken. Sanitation and hygiene continue to be stressed and enabled.
Daily sanitizing of high touch surfaces in crew shop locations. Rotating work schedules. Staggered start times, break and lunch times to minimize number of crew in shop at one time.
We are following the CDC COVID-19 Guidelines and recommendations.
Reduced staffing numbers spread out on fewer and shorter shifts. Only one person in a utility vehicle at a time and physical distancing.
Reduced labor force, which assists with social distancing. Reinforcing with campus community that the normal level of response is not attainable at this time.
Extra cleaning off stair rails in common/highly frequented areas.
Separate vehicles/ one person per truck separate areas of campus for maintenance tasks staggered start times and lunch times to avoid congregating.
Reporting directly to remote staging sites to reduce numbers gathering and transportation
Employees using separate vehicles. Using face mask. 6′ distancing. Wash hands. Small groups.
Self-distancing, face masks.
Splitting the entire grounds crew into two separate teams (on 1 week off the next) so that IF an employee comes down with the virus the whole team is quarantined.
None at this time. Team will assist as requested for other non-related grounds/ Landscaping projects. Example – our storage warehouse is being reorganized and inventoried of all items. The team is assisting with this project.
Staggered start times, lunch breaks in the field and not in the employee lounge, social distancing.
Temperature monitoring. Breaking up crew into different work schedules.
Additional PPE’s and the use of DSV disinfectant on all surfaces that the grounds crew touches.
6 feet spacing between employees split breaks.
We are bringing in a reduced number of our staff only as necessary to perform essential functions.  Our employees are following CDC guidelines and are following recommendations made by our institution.
Social distancing and mandatory requirement to wear face coverings – not N95 unless needed for work.
Social distance, one person in a vehicle.  Cloth masks if you have to be in a situation where the optimum distance is less than 6 feet.
Assign vehicle and equipment. Sanitize at end of shift.
Our staff of 13 is reduced to 2 people per day except for emergencies.
Staggering break periods to allow social distancing, encouraging folks to take breaks on site.
Working split shifts. One week on, one week off.
We continue to emphasize social distancing and stay-home-if-you-are-sick protocols.
Yes, we’ve removed a bunch of chairs from our lunch rooms, we’re asking people to only have one person/vehicle, adopting infectious control risk assessment and cleaning protocols.  Constant review of required safety gear and SOPs.
Implemented social distancing, alternate office hours for those who share office space, one person per vehicle, disinfecting wipes in each vehicle.
Emphasizing social distancing – only one employee per vehicle.  Only a few employees in the break room at a time.  Not sharing tools.
Slightly staggered shifts and the overall staffing reduction reduces the number of people coming to campus and being able to adhere to social distancing protocols.
Reducing staff to 33% enables us to maintain social distancing indoors
One person per vehicle.
Having stagger report times.
Social distancing, gloves, face coverings.
Third party assistance in severe winter weather.
We have tried several. With most staff and students off campus, staff reported to their appropriate zone and equipment was delivered to keep better social distancing practices. Separating teams with equipment rentals to form smaller groups.
Our grounds administration has taken over the day to day care of the campus only having one groundskeeper come in on Mondays and a different one on Thursdays. They all still get paid 40 hours no matter how much they work.
We have staggered report times and break times to keep the number to staff from coming in contact with one another as frequently.  Assigning equipment, vehicles and utility carts to only one staff member per crew each day to reduce the possibility of having to share things.  Sanitizing equipment at the start of each day.  Employees are issued disposable gloves, hand sanitizer and wipes each morning.
Proper PPE to all employees, for COVID-19.
Social distancing, no more than one staff person in a vehicle.
We have eliminated any grounds staff working together.  Each individual is assigned an area of campus.  We have daily safety briefings.
Safe distancing and wearing protective gear (gloves and masks).  Don’t ride in the same vehicle.
Social distancing under all circumstances. Work that requires two people to complete is not permitted.
Sign in and sign out sheet PPEs availability daily.
Working reduced hours, but being paid for full day.
At my request, the District has been providing my staff lunch when they are onsite.
Splitting staff and working different days (twice a week) in order to keep social distancing and limiting staff on campus.
One person per vehicle. Do not share tools and disinfecting them before and after use.
Alternating on-campus staff by week. No more in-person meetings (ZOOM).
Maintaining social distancing; wearing gloves and masks.
1) One person one vehicle 2) Rotating staff 3) Flexible start times and staggered shifts 4) no time clocks 5) disinfecting equipment between uses 6) Health screening 7) additional PPE 8) Social distancing when at Garage or Building.
Single person in any vehicle. Assigning mowers to one person only. Wiping down equip after each use.
Work days reduced to only once or twice a week as necessary but continue to get full pay.
Staggered shifts, one person per vehicle/cart, goal to keep everyone employed. Repairing landscape in areas typically not available or low priority.
No one shares carts and or any equipment in the field. No one works closer than 10′ to each other. Masks MUST be worn while at work. All driven vehicles, radios, and equipment is wiped down with sanitizer pre and post shift.
Wiping down shared equipment.  Limiting usage of N95 masks, reusing when needed.  Not sharing PPE.  Using personal water bottles, not drinking fountains. Hand sanitizer.
Working separately and as distanced as possible.
More individual working.  Going home when weather does not allow productive work.
We allow only one person per vehicle, so some staff are required to walk to the job site.  We have made extra PPE available (e.g., masks, nitrile gloves) but not mandatory.  Breaks and start times have also been staggered to avoid having too many people congregated at once.  Any symptomatic people are asked to self-isolate until they are cleared by Health Canada to return.  There is no loss of pay involved in this.
Must wear a mask if sharing a vehicle, or cannot maintain social distancing of 6′ or greater.
Social Distancing.
Staggering start times to increase social distances.
Single use vehicles or machines. Separate areas for breaks. Half the crew working one week while the other half is at home (full pay). Switching the next week.
One machine to one employee.  PPE to include masks in addition to normal PPE of ear, eyes, foot, and hand protection.
One person per vehicle
Cancelled all morning shop meetings and calling/texting them with assignments.  Staggering lunches & breaks.  Providing PPE & disinfectant for vehicles, etc.
Distancing, temperature checks, disinfect touchpoints and equipment, no tool sharing.
We split the team into 2 groups with one working off campus for a week while the other works on campus for a week. Then they shift places. The portion of the team on campus now reports at scattered times and differing places to prevent gathering as a group.
Staggered schedules. Everyone that can work from home does. Notes on main board every week, email once a week, constant contact by text.
We have put the staff on a rotation, so all are working reduced hours and we can minimize the number of people on campus on any given day.
Social Distancing-(as much as possible) Here at Elon, we are running split crews with different start, break/lunch times.  The staff has been split in half to work half the week with the other half of the week them being away from campus.  Splitting the crews allows for coverage of campus through the entire week.    Focus is on activities around core area of campus, if time allows they work on outskirt activities.    All received a refresher course on PPE, and provided gloves, masks, hand sanitizer, etc.
Staggered start times, face coverings, needing to take temperature before coming to work, at least 6′ spacing if inside.
Just the typical COVID-19 standards distancing, washing hands, using hand sanitizer.
Practicing working in teams with appropriate social distancing.  Use of PPE.
More communication about COVID-19 and what the university is offering for personal time off if needed.
We are doing only the basics as per our governor’s executive order.
Supplementing staff with general maintenance staff when necessary.
Social distancing and only one person per vehicle, utility carts, tractors, etc.
Following CDC guidelines. Reduced hours due to shift schedules.
Cleaning of touch points, social distancing, and frequent handwashing.
No more than one person on task on campus daily within 26 ft. of others.
Separate transportation, assigned equipment to staff, frequent cleaning, proper PPE, encourage CDC personal hygiene requirements.
Treat all touch points in shop and in all equipment utilized at the end of each shift.  Limit vehicle and equipment use to one person per day.
Social Distancing. We split staff into 2 teams A, B. A team works one complete week while the B team is paid to stay home. Then the next week they flip.
Social distancing.  Sanitizing materials.
We rotate the crew. 1/2 on one week, 1/2 the next week.
One person per vehicle/golf cart. Staggered breaks. Flexible hours.
We are rotating teams on a weekly basis.
All CDC protocols and reminding of social distancing.
Staggered shifts.
In Ontario Canada grass cutting and landscaping needs are low as we are between seasons now.  We have been lucky that no major snow falls requiring plowing and salting.  Thus, we reduced our staffing down to only essential to empty exterior trash and control litter.  Both of which are very quick tasks they complete every few days while they do a general review of the properties.  We are down to 10% of our typical residence students on campus, no faculty and only a very small crew of essential staff (housekeeping, security, and dining).
No all staff is on paid leave.
Reduced staffing.
OSU LANDSCAPE SERVICES COVID-19 PREVENTION AND CONTROL PROTOCOLS Landscape Services is following Covid-19 Guidelines published by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration. Additional protocols have been put into action pertaining to sanitation of workspaces and common areas.  • Employees are strongly encouraged to frequently wash hands with soap and water.  • Common areas are cleaned daily by Custodial Services.  • All work and lunch tables are being wiped down with healthcare grade Clorox bleach wipes daily • Computer keyboards common office equipment and time clocks are wiped down weekly.  • In addition to custodial cleaning, breakroom floors are being mopped weekly.  • Door handles and light switches are wiped down daily using Clorox wipes. • Steering wheels door handles, shift levers, etc. are being wiped with disinfecting wipes daily.