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APPA Webinar: From Thin Words to Thick Action: Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

Words matter, but they are a thin substi­tute for actions. The time has come to move from thin words to thick actions.

Long anticipated de­mographic shifts in the general population have occurred slowly, but their effects are becoming increasingly consequential. The diversity profile of the U.S. population is rising rapidly, with recent population growth coming from people of color, according to Brookings researcher William Frey. Higher education campuses reflect this reality. These students, many of them from underrepre­sented, underserved, and marginalized populations, represent a greater proportion of overall student ap­plicants. Further, these are exactly the students that colleges and universities must pursue to survive and thrive as we approach and crest the enrollment cliff. These students’ needs and expectations will require an intentional focus on inclusion if they and their institutions are to be successful.

At the same time, demographic shifts are reshap­ing the communities from which we draw our staff and faculty. Higher education is facing un­precedented challenges as the effects of the Great Resignation ripple across campuses; the college and university workforce is drowning in a sea of burnout and demoralization. Collective success in both the long and short term demands a more wel­coming environment for all those who commit to this work.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Participants will hear how to transform the built environment into a place where DEI goals are backed up with intentional, substantive actions—actions that are adequately resourced, thoughtfully managed, evaluated with appropriate data, reported to the highest levels, and shared with the entire commu­nity.
  2. Participants will hear about the progress and path needed to address and improve an institution’s response to diversity, equity, and inclusion.
  3. Participants will hear from the presenters targeted actions and initiatives for addressing DEI in the built environment and facilities man­agement operations.
  4. Participants will hear about recommend opportunities for collaboration between the facili­ties management and DEI operations and propose a set of questions to prompt dialogue internally within facilities management and externally with the entire community.
  5. Participants will be able to take back questions to their campus.

Presenter: Keith A Woodward, Quinnipiac University

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