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Utility Rate Structures and Analysis Training

This training will review various terminology and electrical rate structures commonly used by utility companies around the country. We will discuss the various charges associated with electric bills, how to audit to verify charges, and work several sample calculations.

We will discuss the use of ‘blended’ electrical rates, often used in energy savings calculations by energy managers, and show where these are valid and where more detailed calculations should be employed. We will briefly discuss forecasting of future energy costs utilizing the government’s Energy Escalation Rate Calculator (EERC). Finally, we will discuss the use of renewable energy microgrids and their role in increase resilience and the utility rate structures that have the greatest effect on the value of photovoltaic systems.

Learning Objective:

Define terms associated with electrical rate structures
Explain the use of blended electrical rates
Utilize the Energy Escalation Rate Calculator (EERC)
Discuss the use of renewable energy microgrids

CxA, EMP, Hanson Professional Services

Note: Paid Event

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