Welcome to our newest APPA members!
No New Members At This time.So you are new to APPA or new to your organization’s membership…let us help you get started! At any time, use the navigation to the right to jump to another page.
What is APPA?
APPA is comprised of 6 regions (CAPPA, ERAPPA, MAPPA, PCAPPA, RMA and SRAPPA). All 4-Year, Community College, System/ Districts and K-12 members must hold membership in both APPA and their region. More specific membership qualifications can be found on the specific member type pages.
All membership with APPA is organizational except student, retired and emeritus. If your institution holds membership, you are able to utilize member benefits by creating an account. If your company/ business holds a membership, benefits are dependent upon your level of membership.
Need to create a myAPPA account?
- First, visit our myAPPA page
- Select “Create A User Account”
- You will then be prompted to complete the online form to build your APPA profile. Use the magnifying glass to search for your organization. Do not use abbreviations or nicknames for your organization. Be sure to use your email address linked to your organization. Unable to locate your organization? Contact us.