NEW! Now receive points for the following activities:
Recruit someone to register and take the CEFP Course – 1 point
Serve as evaluator for Facilities Management Evaluation program (FMEP) – 20 points
Committee member for a facilities related organization at your institution – 5 points per year
Attend APPA’s Targeted Technical Topics workshop – 12 points
Attend APPA’s Pathway to Professionalism (P2P) Program – 30 points
Earn the Certified Facility Manager (CFM) Credential – 30 points
The CEFP credential must be maintained by earning a combination of 120 points from four (4) categories with minimum of 40 points being earned from the Educational category.
Continuing Education Unit (CEU), Continuing Professional Education (CPE), and college credit are other measurements of education that can be converted into points as follows:
- .1 CEU = 1 hour of education, or 1 point
- One CPE = 50 minutes of education or .8 points; Six CPEs = 5 hours, or 5 points
- One college credit = 10 points; a three-hour course is 30 points.
Education points can be earned by attending training through APPA or other outside associations or organizations including your own institution or company. Serving on a committee or a board at your organization or institution if it relates to your facilities position can count towards recertification under Leadership!
The four (4) categories from which you can earn points are as follows:
- Full-time practicing Facility Management Professional
- Part-time practicing Facility Management Professional
- Enrollment in a facility management related course at a degree-granting institution (3 hour or 4 hour classes)
- Professional competency programs (e.g. seminars, workshops, technical training, lunch and learns, safety training, annual training at your institution, etc.)
- Online programming or self-study programs (e.g. APPA’s Monthly Webinar Series, other online webinars)
- APPA International Conference attendance (e.g. APPA 20XX, etc.)
- Thought Leaders Symposium
- Attendance at: Institute for Facilities Management, Leadership Academy, Supervisor’s Toolkit,
- Attendance at APPA regional conferences
- Attendance at APPA chapter / state conferences
- Other conference attendance directly related to the facility management profession
- Holding an elected office within APPA or an APPA region/chapter/state or at your institution
- Serving on a Committee for APPA International, regional, state/chapter, or at your institution
- Faculty or presenter for one (1) session (e.g. Institute for Facilities Management.
- Faculty/Trainer for delivery of a week long program (e.g. Leadership Academy or Supervisor Toolkit, etc.)
- Serving as a Mentor or Mentee (20 points max)
- Recruit someone to register and take the CEFP Course.
- Session presenter at a Facilities Management related conference (e.g. APPA International, APPA regional, state/chapter, or at your institution)
- Serving as Lead CIL (Customized Interactive Learning) Facilitator on a Live Webinar
Research and Publications
- Published article in any Facilities Management related magazine or journal
- Complete a CFaR (Center for Facilities Research) project
- Author a BOK (Body of Knowledge) chapter
- Author/Co-Author a book (e-book or printed) for the APPA membership
- Submit or assist with the FPI (Facilities Performance Indicators) survey on behalf of your institution
- Complete APPA’s FMEP (Facilities Management Evaluation Program) on your campus.
- Individual APPA Award Recipient