The Professional Development Committee promotes continuous learning and the professional development of educational facilities professionals across the entire APPA community. Their charge is to evaluate, validate, and improve the educational program delivery of the association through the identification of relevant content, programs, and delivery methods. The committee promotes and informs regional members about programming opportunities at international, regional, and chapter levels and draws from the regions, advice, counsel, and recommended content and quality presenters for consideration and integration in advancing APPA’s Strategic Plan for Continuous Learning.
The committee provides creative and innovative ideas in the continued exploration and review of effective delivery methods and technologies. The committee advises the Executive Vice President on the educational programming for the annual conference. On behalf of the committee, the Vice President advises the Executive Vice President on the development of educational content and the management and delivery of educational programs. The committee’s Vice President serves as APPA’s liaison to the Credentialing Board and advises the APPA Board on its policies and activities related to professional credentialing.
Committee Members
Vice President for Professional Development:
Beth Clark, Penn State University
Committee Members
CAPPA: Scott Turley, University of Arkansas
ERAPPA: Robert J. Aldrich, CEFP, Miss Hall’s School
MAPPA: Ron Pond, Mukwonago Area School District
PCAPPA: John Furman, Western Washington University
RMA: Jenna Elmer, University of Arizona
SRAPPA: Andy Maddox, University of Alabama
Business Partner: Karen Sanchez, SIEMENS
Staff Liaisons:
Suzanne Healy, APPA Director of Professional Development
Corey Newman, APPA Associate Director of Professional Development
Committee Resources
Click here to download the annual meeting evaluation template for use by committee members.
July 2019 Annual Meeting
July 2019 Annual Meeting Documents – Per July 14, 2019 Meeting
– Vice President for Professional Development Board Report
– Credentialing Business Plan
– Credentialing Strategic Plan
– Credentialing Marketing Plan
– Credentialing Financial Plan
Committee Meeting Minutes
August Committee Meeting Minutes
September Committee Meeting Minutes
November Committee Meeting Minutes
December Committee Meeting Minutes